Post by glenr on Nov 25, 2017 15:41:59 GMT
We had a dimwitt show up at the range yesterday first thing in the morning, he broke at least 5 of the range and gun rules! 1. Stepped out of the lane booth to show the guy next to him what a great gun he has. 2.Didn't keep the the muzzle pointed down range. Didn't clear the gun of live ammo and magazine! 3. Didn't keep anything he didn't want to destroy out of the muzzles way. 4. Didn't keep his booger hook out of and off the trigger! Put one hand and two of his fingers over the muzzle 5. He pulled the trigger during one of those watch hey this moments! He didn't loose either fingers just a good portion of meat, muscle and some bone form each one (9mm). Police took his gun as he went to the hospital(gun free zone) After reviewing the video from the range camera's you could see that the guy next to him was a tad uncomfortable about his actions and moved back and away. Only the dimwitt was injured, and didn't have to swift thru the rubber pile to find any fingers, but it did take almost a gallon of bleach to clean up the blood and spatter! At least it wasn't anything more serious than the above. Haven't heard as yet how he is doing, or if he will loose the use of the two fingers Lucky it was a DE.50
Post by mrblackcat on Nov 26, 2017 14:06:22 GMT
I shoot only with family for this reason... luckily for me, in the middle of 270 acres of property. 99% of the shots made in my life, were made alone. My girlfriends son has been shooting for a couple of years now, and I don't cut him any slack with gun safety. He recently pointed out that my conditioning is so extreme, that I don't point a screwdriver, tractor parts, socket extension, pole saw, power screwdriver, firearm, or even a loose barrel, across the path of a person. I thought of this consciously for a few days and he is correct... habits can save you. Making habits is a choice of personal responsibility, which stems from caring for yourself and others. Even if I accidentally shoot someone tomorrow, it won't be because I haven't tried the best I possibly can to take every precaution I feel I am humanly capable of. Habits/training will save your life, and the finger meat of yourself and others.
Sorry to hear you had someone so dangerous so close to you. If you care about others, you will learn these habits.
(puts away soap box) Sorry for the mini-rant, but this kind of situation I find really frustrating, as we get to pay for it via our lives (sometimes) and our insurance rates (this time)... and in most instances, the type of person who does this, always blames everything/everyone but themselves.
Harsh and Judgmental, MrBlackCat
Post by glenr on Nov 26, 2017 23:39:13 GMT
The range has very HD camera's and a clear video of the whole incident. I wasn't there yet that morning. But I do leave when a hot dogger or three show up I'm there 4/5 days a week . Live 4 miles/10- minutes away I have left and come back later. Can't stand when some guys have a women there and are being he-man, most of the time the women shot better than the blow hard and can even load the magazines faster than the guys! 2/3 guys sharing a gun is another reason to leave!